Found on 16th Avenue
A silent teen with a violent past . . . a minister struggling to shepherd his church through the worst of times . . . and the healing resilience of a great generation almost lost in history.
ISBN # 13:978-0-934955-67-6; ISBN # 10:0-934955-67-0
“I’m staggered! It is truly, without exaggeration, one of the best stories I have ever read. I feel connected to every one of the characters. Have I mentioned how much I love John Mark? This story is a huge blessing and a wonderful pick-me-up when I’m discouraged”
- Kelsie McKernie,
Georgia“The plot flows so seamlessly and flawlessly that I was mesmerized. The historical perspective is intensely personal, vibrantly woven into the lives and words of the characters”
- Julia Hanawalt,
Writing and Research Instructor,
Jackson Community College, Michigan